Oxford Epigraphy Workshop MT 2024

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Relief stele from Kimil dagh in Commagene showing King Antiochus on the left shaking hands with Apollo on the right







We are delighted to share with you the programme for this term's Epigraphy Workshop. The workshop will be held on Mondays 1–2pm in the first-floor seminar room. 


As always, all are extremely welcome, and you are free to bring along lunch if you would like to. 


Week 1 (October 14th): Charles Crowther (Oxford) and Margherita Facella (University of Pisa): ‘Apollo of the mountain: a new sanctuary of Antiochus I of Commagene’


Week 2 (October 21st): TBC


Week 3 (October 28th): Yuantao Yin (Northeast Normal University, Changchun): ‘The study of Greek epigraphy and history in China’


Week 4 (November 4th): Fatma Avcu (Akdeniz Üniversitesi, Antalya): ‘Epigraphic news from Alabanda: a new Hellenistic decree’


Week 5 (November 11th): Hüseyin Uzunoğlu (Akdeniz Üniversitesi, Antalya): ‘Some considerations on the newly discovered name-lists from Alabanda’


Week 6 (November 18th): Georgy Kantor (Oxford): ‘A new edition of the lex Antonia de Termessibus (RS 19)’


Week 7 (November 25th): No meeting


Week 8 (December 2nd): Simona Stoyanova (Oxford): ‘Palaeographic analysis on inscriptions from Sicily: methodology and cases studies’


We look forward to seeing you there.


With all best wishes,

Charles, Leah, Marcus, and Olivia