Alex Mullen has launched a new project, RIB in Schools: a new teaching resource for pupils aged 7-11


RIB 1065 Funerary epitaph of a woman called Regina, freedwoman and wife of Barates from Palmyra in Syria. Inscribed in Latin and Palmyrene. Courtesy of the Arbeia Roman Fort and South Shields Museum.


Roman Inscriptions of Britain (RIB) Online is hosted by the Centre for the Study of Ancient Documents. It offers a resource to discover the diverse voices of the past drawn from the writing of those who lived, served and died in Roman Britain.

In 2023 RIB Online launched a new venture. RIB in Schools is the result of collaboration between experts from the LatinNow research project and the charity Classics for All. Phase 1 (KS 2) and Phase 2 (KS 5) were funded by an Arts Impact Accelerator Grant from the University of Nottingham. 

The mission of Roman Inscriptions of Britain (RIB) in Schools is to make the fascinating material from RIB Online more accessible through an introduction to inscriptions and advice on how to use the website and the digital records of the ancient texts.

RIB in Schools shows how important this material can be for understanding life in Roman Britain through a series of resources, for example on migration, childhood and languages. New thematic resources on gladiators, women, religion and slavery will follow shortly. We also support exploration of a local history study through activities designed for the different Key Stages and focused on the North, South, East and West of the country.

The KS2 Introducing Inscriptions lesson plans can be found here.

A video introducing this new resource can be found here.