I am a Senior Research Software Engineer based at CSAD and affiliated to the Centre for Digital Scholarship at Oxford. My initial focus will be on the FAIR Epigraphy project led by Jonathan Prag (Oxford) and Marietta Horster at the Johannes Guttenberg Universität, Mainz. The aim of the project is to render epigraphic data FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable) through the implementation of linked open data. By this time next year, I will begin work with a range of researchers from across the University as part of the Digital Scholarship at Oxford hub.
My doctoral research focused on: (1) identifying the quality issues regarding the misuse of the authorship properties, lack of provenance information, and linkrot, which can impact the quality of a distributed ledger; (2) providing a framework for generating the timeline of discourse through nanopub collections by retrieving and combining a particular topic to achieve interoperability (from the FAIR perspective) between inter and intra-nanopublications datasets; and, (3) using nanopublications to detect and explain contradictory research claims.
At a wider level, my research interests include the Semantic Web, Semantic Web tools, linked data, FAIR, knowledge visualization, knowledge management, knowledge integration, knowledge extraction, knowledge graphs, and semantic publishing (nanopublications and research objects). Besides this, I have nine years' industrial experience in the development of Windows and Linux Platforms. I have worked on commercial development (full-stack) environments like .Net Framework, Java, PHP, Python, JavaScript, RESTfull API and database development. I also have wide experience in semantic web technologies such as RDF/Linked Data, JSON or JSON-LD, SPARQL, and TripleStores.