My main areas of research are the emergence of alphabetic Greek writing in its Mediterranean context and the development of iron in the Early Iron Age in Greece.
I joined the CSAD in 2001 to work on a research project funded by the Mellon Foundation to digitise the Anne Jeffery Archive and to set up the Poinikastas website. From 2004. At present I hold a Stipendiary Lectureship in Ancient History at Trinity College and a non-Stipendiary Lectureship at Lincoln College, Oxford. From 2004 to 2010 I served as the Secretary of the British Epigraphy Society.
I played a leading role in establishing the Practical Epigraphy Workshop in 2007 and continue to act as one of its directors. The Workshop aims to enthuse and train younger scholars in the practical skills needed to examine and record inscriptions at first-hand in the field or in museums, and is administered by the Centre for the Study of Ancient Documents, Oxford. I established workshops on reading inscriptions in Latin and Greek as a regular fixture in the London Summer School in Classics at KCL and UCL.